@anthroposcoffee Hi Kate, @CUBoulderFacMan is aware of the power outage affecting Wolf Law, Fleming and some reside… https://t.co/M7Lp3T6Zv8
.@CUBoulderFacMan is aware of a power outage affecting parts of campus. Follow their updates for more ⬇️ https://t.co/dyX8t1qp77
RT @BroncosOffField: 📍 — @ChildrensColo. @5280Miles and @BroncosCheer are delivering 275 lunches to the nurses, doctors and hospital st… https://t.co/lZOZisekEO
RT @CUSystem: @CUAnschutz’ Sarah Rowan, M.D. combined her passions for medicine and art to create an inspiring way to celebrate t… https://t.co/9UbHZ0pmFT
@CUAnschutz’ Sarah Rowan, M.D. combined her passions for medicine and art to create an inspiring way to celebrate t… https://t.co/9UbHZ0pmFT
Several labs on campus offer opportunities for community members to participate in paid university research studies… https://t.co/J5xbAoOnQB
More #Colorado households have responded to the U.S. #Census Bureau than the national average a little over a month… https://t.co/l583xyjDIG
RT @CUOutreach: Register for free virtual lectures this fall on solar research, political compromise and musical time, featuring… https://t.co/D8B6WAdNV1
RT @AurariaCampus: Are you registered to vote? Your vote is your voice. https://t.co/504mhboojA @CCDedu @msudenver @CUDenver https://t.co/uSapsfngjP
RT @cuonline: @CUAnschutz and @mhinnovationCU will be hosting 5-minute guided meditation exercises via Zoom every Tuesday and Thu… https://t.co/5wYPskz8Lp
RT @CUBoulderLife: The Public Health Clinic (PHC) at Wardenburg Health Center is now open! CU students will have access to the followi… https://t.co/4yVaeRzu4M
RT @CUBoulder: Now is a great time to disinfect your workstation, cell phone, and other high touch areas! For more tips on how t… https://t.co/dDLxfjduGZ
RT @MarksMichelleA: “We need to show students we care.” Attending today’s Social Justice Teach-In, “Moving beyond statements: the role… https://t.co/uGB1Uxv8Yb
RT @AurariaCampus: The Phoenix Center at Auraria (PCA) provides confidential resources and assistance to survivors of interpersonal vi… https://t.co/SzxfrZN8zx
RT @CUDwellness: Introducing Intramural eSports for the Fall Semester 🎮Compete against other CU Denver students in: FIFA⚽ ROCKET LEA… https://t.co/UJ8k3NGEkO
“These patients are so underserved,” said Dr. Rebecca Boxer, @CUMedicalSchool associate professor. “They do not get… https://t.co/hQaTsG8C5L
Have you set up multifactor authentication on your PERA online account yet? It adds an extra layer of security, mak… https://t.co/WIQabq7zmu