RT @CUHealthyBuffs: Hey Buffs! We’ve changed our name to @CUHealthyBuffs. Don't worry, we’ll still share Rec Center and Health & Wellne… https://t.co/fCVlX7jpaU
Tomorrow is College Colors Day! Show us your black and gold – or the colors from your favorite institution – and ta… https://t.co/4zOgwlyFOG
Why do you wear a face covering? "I wear a mask out of respect to every single person that has daily contact with… https://t.co/K7R4u2qznq
While campus services continue to be impacted by modified operations due to #COVID19, we are still here for our buf… https://t.co/4zr7XUG2k0
Marc Swackhamer, Chair of the Architecture Department at @cudenvercap, isn’t exactly interested in sustainable buil… https://t.co/Iv8sbs7xgz
The Guardian app is provided to all CU Boulder students, faculty and staff free of charge and will allow them follo… https://t.co/hyTItKyAj2
Two initiatives aim to address the rising cost of health insurance premiums in different ways. Both are still in ea… https://t.co/CUhIE1RaDU
Have you checked your email yet today, Buffs? 📩 Don't miss out on the daily CUBT updates! https://t.co/dxgYF5tot1
.@CUBoulderCEB and @CUDSB are co-hosting the founders of the Black Lives Matter movement on September 16th via Zoom… https://t.co/YDSfcrkwnw
“We’re trying to engage students who don’t see themselves represented as frequently in science or medicine. We want… https://t.co/cFIsOvUv7F
1/4 Our #CUBoulder testing, contact tracing and @bouldercohealth collaborations alerted us this morning to a potent… https://t.co/xuTLiFARZb
2/4 We are concerned with this likely increase in positive cases over the past 24 hours, and we anticipate the incr… https://t.co/6GDJmU5J8C
3/4 The next few days will be critical to our ability to maintain our current operating status. It is imperative th… https://t.co/pnZTpfcpAm
4/4 The measures we have put into place — wastewater monitoring, surveillance and diagnostic testing, contact tra… https://t.co/ygfcdB8Fv7
RT @ColoradoGEARUP: Did you know that September is Colorado Applies Month? Colorado Applies Month runs from August 31 through October… https://t.co/W7UpkR9Mbf