If you are following the rules, we see you and we thank you! Keep it up! 💛🖤 See something that puts our community a… https://t.co/X6qiv7pVaO
What off-campus testing options are available? County standing up drop-in site starting on Wednesday, Sept. 16. No… https://t.co/LhjNcs2JRI
Not sure what to say when someone refuses to wear a face covering because they aren’t worried about getting sick?… https://t.co/h7KeXU2ESa
Do students living outside Boulder have to participate in the quarantine? This applies only to students living in… https://t.co/gmygBwje4Y
We are providing additional materials in key neighborhoods to remind students of the health and safety rules, expec… https://t.co/8PiCA2H6qJ
We remember Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. We were fortunate to have hosted RBG on campus multiple time… https://t.co/Pa18R4krXM
Buffs, be sure to reach out for help if you need it. https://t.co/IFY1MmeHBa
RT @CUBoulderOmbuds: Undergraduate walk-in hours are back for Fall Semester. First come, first serve. Call 303-592-5077 for an initial 1… https://t.co/f6ZF3SuST9
Looking for things to do this weekend? This weekend brings HackCU, a digital conference on the origins of writing,… https://t.co/Dq6Y21hGsx
New Statewide Transfer Agreements in computer science, dance, journalism and public health provide a seamless pathw… https://t.co/pVeIaL33b8
Andrew Moore and the IT team from the @BVSDcolorado have gone the extra yard to make sure every student has the opp… https://t.co/fJQE0YOKQ1
We're stepping up patrols. @CUBoulderPolice will once again be partnering with the Boulder Police Department on The… https://t.co/bna8mq0AJi
CU donated leftover equipment earlier this week as part of @apreciouschild's giveSPORTS equipment drive. If you wo… https://t.co/QLU1YzfeDm
Do you know the consequences if you don’t follow public health orders? We know this is hard, but it is critical tha… https://t.co/mHvqgSeprL
RT @CUDenver: Today on #WhyApplyDay, Chancellor @MarksMichelleA reminds us what an investment in your education can do for you. T… https://t.co/QcsoDyQb9i
RT @bouldercolorado: 1,500 people have been tested for COVID-19 since Wednesday at Boulder's new drive-thru and walk-up testing sites. T… https://t.co/se036uXsOb
@LisaZwick1 @bouldercolorado Hi Lisa - The link has all the information but results are expected within 24-48 hours.
Click the link for answers to Self-Quarantine FAQ's https://t.co/ysYiNxfsU3 https://t.co/lESt9ZjC21
RT @frccedu: @StateofColorado Governor Jared Polis is on #FRCC’s Westminster campus now giving an update on COVID-19 response. W… https://t.co/S25SUjMNbU