Health equity has always been a passion for Eileen Wang, MD, MPH, allergist and immunologist at National Jewish Health. This passion motivated her to partner...
Imagine you have conducted a study and want to tell the world about the findings. Or suppose your research results show great promise for a particular cancer...
Having obtained a CEAL grant for Colorado, Donald Nease, MD, local researchers and community partners through the Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences...
Imagine if you will that you are the parent of a child with a severe neurological disorder. Your child is nonverbal, depends on medical technology, requires a...
Choosing a theme for this year’s eighth annual CCTSI CU-CSU Summit took little effort for organizers of the event. With the world enveloped in a pandemic, the...
Few would describe the pace of academic medical research as swift. Yet last month, the CCTSI disrupted its own processes and timelines by issuing a new rapid-...
What can a group of individuals with access to wearable data accomplish in 24 hours? It turns out the answer is nothing short of amazing. In January, teams...
Dr. Joaquin Espinosa, PhD is a busy guy. He’s the executive director of the Linda Crnic Institute for Down syndrome, professor of pharmacology in the CU School...
For many men and women on the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, each day is a search. Their quarry is the signals in data: information necessary...
For more than 35 years, Ron Sokol, MD has been treating children born with a liver disease called Biliary Atresia (BA). Though the disease is rare, it is the...
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recently awarded $46.5 million to the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus and its Colorado Clinical and...
In 2012, the Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CCTSI) formally invited Colorado State University (CSU) to become an official Institute...
As I grabbed one of the last available seats in the Fulginiti Pavilion, I settled in to hear Stephen Thomas, PhD, deliver the keynote address for the eighth...
They say necessity is the mother of invention. And in the case of Dr. Richard Meehan, his need to more successfully, and less painfully, treat his patients...
If you work in the world of academic research, you’ve likely taken many trainings over the course of your career. How many of those, however, would you...
It may not surprise anyone that clinical trials in patients can save lives (most people probably know someone enrolled in a cancer trial or other life-saving...
The Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CCTSI) TL1 program is making CU Anschutz a top-choice for students like Michelle Nelsen, who is...