Updates to systemwide Administrative Policy Statements, effective July 1

By Staff

The Office of Policy and Efficiency (OPE) announces updates to the following administrative policy statements from the Employee Services and University Information Services areas:

  1. APS5024-Tuition Assistance Benefit

Changes include increasing the benefit from nine credits to 12 credits per academic year (30% to 40% tuition discount for Boulder campus dependents); allowing employees to enroll in courses during normal registration cycle; and allowing dependents and employee to utilize the benefit in the same academic year.

  1. APS6010-Data Governance

Revisions include the establishment of a Data Governance Executive Council, an escalation path for resolution of multi-campus data concerns, and an emphasis on seeking global solutions that benefit all campuses.

  1. APS6011-Digital Accessibility

A new Colorado law on digital accessibility will go into effect on July 1, 2024. To come into compliance with the new law, the university needed to update this policy to ensure the university has the governance structure and compliance mechanisms in place.

These revisions are effective July 1, 2024.

For more detailed information, go to

For additional information on systemwide APSs, go to: