Shakespeare serving brunch in Boulder

While waiters take orders from a Shakespeare menu — a tasty mix of brunch delicacies — a group of distinguished actors performs scenes from Will’s plays. The best bits and a few surprises are then served up at individual tables and around the restaurant. A little Hamlet with your omelet, anyone?
Presented by the Colorado Shakespeare Festival, the brunches take place at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 7, and Saturday, Aug. 13, at the Millennium Harvest House Pavilion, 1345 28th St., Boulder.
Commissioned by the English Brighton Festival, the “Shakespeare a la Carte” program was devised and is directed by Richard Hahlo of Hydrocracker Theatre Company in Great Britain. The show was recorded in 2009 for BBC Radio and was broadcast on Easter Monday of that year.
The Boulder Arts Commission helps make the event possible.
Tickets, $35, are on sale at the Colorado Shakespeare Festival website.