Revisions to policy on sexual misconduct, intimate partner abuse and stalking took effect Oct. 1

The Office of Policy and Efficiency (OPE) has announced revisions to APS5014-Sexual Misconduct, Intimate Partner Abuse and Stalking (formerly, APS5014-Sexual Misconduct).
The proposed changes were reviewed by the campus chancellors in August and approved by President Bruce Benson to be effective Oct. 1, 2018.
The changes to the Sexual Misconduct Policy have helped align the processes across all four CU campuses, provide additional due-process protections, and more precisely define the jurisdiction of the campus offices that investigate allegations of sexual misconduct. The changes also clarify the scope of mandatory reporting under the policy and how the campuses will determine whether a responsible employee has failed to report in accordance with the policy.
“I’m very grateful to all of the people across the university community who helped us revise this important policy,” Benson said. “We’re committed to providing a safe learning and working environment for our students, faculty and staff, as well as to providing fair and reliable processes for investigating allegations that come to our attention. We need to advance a culture of respect and accountability.”
Training on the new policy will be offered across the CU system. Employees can review their training record on MyCUInfo and determine when they last completed the training.