Faculty Council Committee Corner: Communications

What should be included in a systemwide faculty guide?
By Staff

Editor’s note: This is part of an ongoing CU Connections series in which the Faculty Council highlights each of its committees and their efforts. See past installments here.

Faculty Council Communications Committee members, clockwise from top left, Carrie Makarewicz, chair; Carmen Stavrositu, vice chair; Jenny Filipetti, secretary; Ken McConnellogue, Cathy Beuten, Jay Dedrick, Lori Bryan, Judy Scott, Neil Box, Kathia Ibacache
Faculty Council Communications Committee members, clockwise from top left, Carrie Makarewicz, chair; Carmen Stavrositu, vice chair; Jenny Filipetti, secretary; Ken McConnellogue, Cathy Beuten, Jay Dedrick, Lori Bryan, Judy Scott, Neil Box, Kathia Ibacache.

The Faculty Council Communications Committee is creating a systemwide faculty guide to point faculty in the right direction for everything they need to know, from getting a key for their office, to saving for retirement, to getting their research in the news, to finding a writing group, to finding the best transportation, to participating in faculty governance. These are just some of the mundane and not so mundane questions we hope the guide will quickly help you to answer.

We began this work after Employee Services asked for our help in reaching out to faculty about the numerous benefits available to them. As we discussed the ways to connect with faculty at the different campuses and the types of information we should provide, we realized faculty don’t readily have specifics on where to find answers for several other things.

Our vision is an easy-to-use, one-stop hub with links to existing or new information that resides on each campus or at the system level. Our initial research has identified various guides in some departments, schools and colleges, but not all of them are complete; many units don’t seem to have any type of guide or handbook.

We realize this guide needs to be easy to use and frequently updated and should not duplicate existing information. That’s where you come in. To inform our work with Employee Services and the creation of the guide, we would like your feedback through a very short survey. It should take you about 5 to 10 minutes to complete:



While you’re at it, please take this week’s CU Connections poll as well.