Board of Regents to vote on budget

By Staff

The University of Colorado Board of Regents will vote on a proposed university budget of approximately $2.6 billion at its June 23 meeting at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.

CU Board of Regents The budget, up from $2.4 billion in the current fiscal year (which ends June 30), reflects increased research grant activity, more clinical revenue, enrollment growth and stimulus funding. While the university cut $29 million from its budget, stimulus backfill temporarily keeps the overall budget at current levels. The board approved tuition and fee rates at its May meeting.

In other business, the board will review tenure appointments and awards across the campuses, as well as sabbatical proposals.

The board also has asked for an update on the general education assessment it brought forward at its meeting in October, when it passed a resolution intending "to take all reasonable measures to ensure that CU graduates are equipped with the critical thinking, analysis and communications skills needed to be lifelong learners and fully participate as citizens of our country and thrive in the global economy."

The resolution went on to endorse campus initiatives for assessment of general education by the 2009-10 academic year. Associate Vice President and Academic Affairs Officer Kathleen Bollard will present a progress report based on information provided by campus provosts.

The regents will vote on a new degree proposal for a doctorate in applied sciences at UCCS, and will review a proposal for a new master's degree program in epidemiology at the University of Colorado Denver.

The board will review a proposal for the Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute, and will receive five-year capital construction plans and budget requests prepared by the campuses. The board's capital construction subcommittee will consider the plans in more depth on June 15 and make recommendations to the full board.