Tallman named to board of Colorado BioScience Association

Kate Tallman, associate vice president of the CU Technology Transfer Office, has been appointed a member of the board of the Colorado BioScience Association.
Board members commit to a three-year term and work in partnership with CBSA staff to support the growth of Colorado’s more than 600 bioscience companies.
Tallman has responsibility for intellectual property and technology licensing matters across CU’s four campuses. She joined Tech Transfer in 2002, and during her tenure there, has been involved in licensing new innovations to more than 50 new spinout companies. She regularly serves as a panelist speaking on a variety of university technology commercialization issues for the Association of University Technology Managers.
Previously, she served as co-founder and director of marketing at Roving Planet, a venture-backed Colorado software company that developed wireless LAN technology. She earned her MBA from CU-Boulder’s Leeds College of Business, where she focused on marketing. She previously spent four years as a research analyst, performing market and financial analysis of health care companies.
Board members commit to a three-year term and work in partnership with CBSA staff to support the growth of Colorado’s more than 600 bioscience companies. The CBSA has more than 350 members who work to grow a better business environment and the state’s biotech workforce, advocate for policies that support a strong bioscience industry in the state, and speak with a single voice on behalf of the industry.