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Maria Elena Buszek

Maria Elena Buszek

The University of Colorado Cancer Center has welcomed 12 new members: Clayton Smith, M.D. (professor, Department of Hematology/BMT, School of Medicine), full member, molecular oncology; Cindy O’Bryant, Pharm.D. (associate professor, clinical oncology, School of Medicine), full member, developmental therapeutics;  Xiang Wang, Ph.D. (assistant professor, Department of Organic Chemistry, CU-Boulder, full member), developmental therapeutics; John Arcaroli, Ph.D. (assistant professor, Medical Oncology, School of Medicine), associate member, developmental therapeutics; Melanie Joy, Ph.D., Pharm.D. (assistant professor, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences), associate member, developmental therapeutics; Hong Wang, M.D., Ph.D. (research instructor, Department of Surgery, School of Medicine), associate member, hormone related malignancies; Katja Vassiliades- Kiseljak, D.O. (instructor, School of Medicine), associate member, endocrinology, metabolism and diabetes; James Daniel Orth, Ph.D. (assistant research professor, MCDB, CU-Boulder), associate member, cancer cell biology;  Rebecca Oberley-Deegan, Ph.D. (assistant professor, pulmonary medicine, National Jewish Health) associate member, cancer cell biology; Barish H. Edil, M.D. (associate professor, surgical oncology, School of Medicine), associate member, developmental therapeutics; Miriam Post, M.D. (assistant professor, pathology, School of Medicine), associate member, hormone related malignancies; and Daniel Bowles, M.D. (assistant professor, medical oncology, Denver VA Medical Center), associate member, lung/head and neck cancer. … A 2011 anthology by Maria Elena Buszek, associate professor of art history at the College of Arts and Media at the University of Colorado Denver, has been awarded this year's LoPresti Prize for Excellence in Art Publishing by the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS). The jury called "Extra/Ordinary: Craft and Contemporary Art" (Duke University Press) a “substantive, unique, and timely anthology that highlights an understudied art movement. The diversity of voices and the new subject matter distinguished it from other entries to the LoPresti competition."