Marketing Cloud | WEBINAR - Preparing Your Marketing Strategy in the GDPR Age
On May 25, 2018, a new landmark privacy law called the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) takes effect in the European Union (EU). As GDPR puts marketers in the spotlight, Salesforce sees this is an important time to be a truly customer-centric marketer — and deliver a trusted, valued relationship with your customers and consumers.
Salesforce and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) are helping marketers transform their approach to privacy in the GDPR age. In partnership with PwC, tune into this webinar to learn recommendations from GDPR specialists Eric Lybeck, Director, Cyber Security and Privacy, at PwC, amd Tom Smith, Director, Product Marketing, EMEA, at Salesforce. Learn not only how to prepare for GDPR, but how to harness the value of your data and ensure your marketing strategy is fit for tomorrow’s digital economy.
What you will learn from this webinar:
- Introduce what GDPR is and why it's important for marketers
- Top recommendations and steps from PwC and Salesforce experts to prepare for readiness
- How the GDPR plays a role in your marketing strategy
- How Marketing Cloud can help accelerate your GDPR readiness