State of Higher Education hosted by Colorado Business Roundtable

Wednesday, April 4, 2018
11:30am – 1:00pm
History Colorado Center, Denver

Please join Colorado Business Roundtable for the State of Higher Education Forum on April 4th, 2018 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM at History Colorado.

A panel of leaders in the higher education industry will discuss their successful business partnerships, changes that need to happen in order to be more nimble and agile, how higher education is meeting the needs of the industry, and what is the value proposition for students. This event will be moderated by Debbie Hughes, Vice President, Higher Education and Workforce from the Business Higher Education Forum.

The panel will include Chancellor Rebecca Chopp of University of Denver, President Tony Frank of Colorado State University, Chancellor Phil Distefano of University of Colorado Boulder, and President Janine Davidson of Metropolitan State University Denver.

The Agenda:

11:30 am - Registration and lunch service

11:45 am - Welcoming remarks

12:00 pm - Introduction of panelists

1:00 pm - Closing comments

Cost is $75 for tickets. REGISTER HERE