Preparing to Retire program helps pave way to financial security
The theme of the two-week program — Save Early, Manage Wisely, Retire Securely — emphasizes the importance of taking action throughout your career to prepare for a financially secure retirement.
Week one coincides with National Save for Retirement Week, a campaign encouraging workers to participate in their employer-sponsored plans. PBS will offer courses geared toward employees who expect to retire in three months to five years. Benefits professionals will present a step-by-step guide for successful retirement under either the University of Colorado 401(a) plan or PERA. TIAA-CREF, Vanguard and PERA also will offer presentations on retirement income options, while the Social Security Administration gives a course on Social Security income and Medicare benefits.
The second week of the program consists of investment strategy seminars for employees in all career stages, with planning advice for both novice and seasoned investors. Investment Fairs will feature retirement plan representatives to answer questions on tax-deferred plans. Retirement plan vendors also will offer online account viewing and retirementcalculators.
For a detailed events calendar and workshop descriptions, go to and look under news.