CU Denver groundbreaking on the Student Wellness Center

Thursday, September 22, 2016
10:00am – 2:00pm
1365 12th St., Denver

Celebrate the groundbreaking of this new building with free food, giveaways, fitness exercises, wellness activities, rock climbing and beats by CU Denver’s own DJ Wyld Kard!

The groundbreaking will showcase the six dimensions of wellness around which the building is centered. You will be able to rock climb, create art for the building, break the ground yourself, and much more, all just next to the project footprint just north of Student Commons. 

We’re giving away backpacks, shaker bottles and tank tops for free, and a surprise deluxe prize for students who complete our “Dimensions of Wellness” circuit training! 

Lunch is coming at 11:00am from Keenwah, CO, in addition to the energy bars and coffee available throughout the day.

Don't forget to swipe for some very special CU Denver Wellness Center Snapchat geofilters. Find out more: https://www.facebook.com/events/1802941529940951