Preparing for Retirement with PERA presentation
Understanding the 401(a) Retirement Plan and Investment Options presentation
CU-Boulder: Hatch a Plan for Your Nest Egg
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
9:30am – 2:30pm
Recreation Center, Multipurpose Room 3, C240 (aka, Ice Overlook Large Conference Room), 1835 Pleasant St.
Learn about CU's mandatory retirement plans through presentations and discussions with professionals from TIAA-CREF and the Public Employees' Retirement Association.
Join PERA 9:30-10:30 a.m. at their booth to speak with a PERA professional.
Preparing for Retirement with PERA presentation
10:30 a.m. - Noon
This 90-minute presentation outlines:
- how a PERA monthly lifetime benefit is calculated;
- annual increases on the benefit;
- choices upon terminating PERA-covered employment;
- built-in survivor and disability benefits;
- access to 401(k) and 457 voluntary tax-deferred savings plans;
- availability of post-retirement health insurance plans;
- and much more.
Attendees also will be able to review the retirement application process for the PERA DB plan, and learn about required PERA retirement forms and post-retirement issues.
TIAA-CREF financial consultants will be available to meet at their booth from 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
Understanding the 401(a) Retirement Plan and Investment Options presentation
12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
At this presentation, you'll learn:
- the 401(a) Plan structure, design and features
- how to manage your account
- available resources and advice
- basic investments terminology
- the three tier approach to investment selection
- target date funds and the core investments
- how to access the self-directed brokerage option
- how to enroll in the CU 403(b) Voluntary Retirement Plan