Boom! The Chemistry of Sound and Music presented by Professor Michael Dubson
Saturday, January 17, 2015
9:30am – 10:30am
CU-Boulder, Main Campus - Duane Physics 2000 COLORADO AV Boulder, CO Room: G1B30
What is sound? What is happening around you (and inside you) when you play the guitar, strike a gong, blow on a bottle, pop a balloon, or crack a bullwhip. How quiet can we make a room? How loud can we shout? Who can hear better: kids or parents? Why might that be? How could you ever hope to measure "loudness" or "pitch"? And what would happen if you sucked all the air out of steel barrel? Saturday's Wizard show Boom! The Chemistry of Sound and Music will explore these, and many more questions.
These free public performances are geared for kids in grades five to nine, but all ages are welcome! Visit the CU Wizards Web page for more details.
Contact Information:
Name: Candice Brown
Phone: 303-492-5011
Email: djnadmin@jila.colorado.edu