Bonfils Blood Drive
10:00 – 11:40 am and 1:00 – 3:30 pm
Schedule an Appointment
To make your appointment please contact Bonfils Appointment Center at 303-363-2300 or on the Bonfils website using site code A297.
The Alyx Machine
The Alyx machine is a small portable unit that does an automated donation, collecting just red cells. Bonfils targets certain blood types to do this donation procedure. Typically O+, O-, A-, and B-. These are blood types frequently used in the hospitals. The process involves a single needle donation just like whole blood, but then the blood is filtered to just collect the red cells which are what are used for transfusions. The other blood components are then returned to the donor, along with a saline solution which helps reduce any issues of volume change. These units are then ready to go to the hospitals much faster. Typically, Bonfils takes the whole blood units collected each day and do the filtering process back at our lab, this just reduces that part of the process and, helps make those units available sooner.
Donation Story
Blood donors are everyday heroes whose donations save and enhance the lives of patients in need. Click here to hear Brian's story.