Hunter-Byrd honored for academic advising

Karin Hunter-Byrd, director of the Office of Advising and Student Services at the College of Arts and Media at CU Denver, has been selected as an Outstanding Advising Administrator Certificate of Merit recipient from the NACADA The Global Community for Academic Advising as part of the 2015 Annual Awards Program for Academic Advising.
The award is presented to individuals who have demonstrated qualities associated with outstanding academic advising administration. Academic Advising Administrators includes those individuals who may provide direct academic advising services but whose primary responsibility is as an administrator or director of an academic advising program.
Since 1983, NACADA has honored individuals and institutions making significant contributions to the improvement of academic advising. The goal of NACADA is to promote quality academic advising and professional development of its membership to enhance the educational development of students.
NACADA’s membership has grown to more than 10,000 faculty, professional advisers, administrators, counselors and others in academic and student affairs concerned with the intellectual, personal and vocational needs of students. In addition, NACADA is the representative and advocate of academic advising and those providing that service to higher education.
Hunter-Byrd will be honored in Las Vegas during the NACADA Annual Conference this fall.