Dropping names …

Two members of the School of Medicine faculty are among the Top 40 Under 40 as ranked by Ophthalmologist magazine. Malik Kahook, professor of ophthalmology, is listed No. 2, and Kaweh Mansouri, adjunct associate professor, is 23rd on the list. The magazine notes that Malik has more than 30 patents filed, with 20 of those licensed for development and commercialization and four currently at clinical trial stage. Malik, who has twice been the University’s Inventor of the Year (in 2009 and again in 2010) is director of clinical and translational research and chief of the glaucoma service. Kaweh, who is adjunct associate professor at the School of Medicine, is a consultant ophthalmologist in in the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Geneva in Switzerland. The magazine said it is recognizing young ophthalmologists who are determined, passionate and inspirational. … Niraj Chaudhary, head of Information Technology Department at the Auraria Library, has been named to the Leading Change Institute Class of 2015. The EDUCAUSE program engages emerging leaders in the academic information sector who can inspire, advocate, and advance needed changes in higher education. Fellows in the Institute hear from speakers from a wide range of backgrounds who share real-life problems from across the higher-education landscape. … Nanette Santoro, professor and E. Stewart Taylor Chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the School of Medicine, recently received the Journal of Women’s Health Award for Outstanding Achievement in Women’s Health Research during the Women’s Health 2015: The 23rd Annual Congress in Washington, D.C. Santoro gave the Vivian Pinn Women’s Health Research Keynote, “Perimenopause: From Research to Practice.” … Ritu Chopra, executive director, PAR2A Center and assistant research professor in the School of Education and Human Development at CU Denver, and Caron Westland, clinical professor in the School of Education and Human Developed, also at CU Denver, presented a pre-conference workshop at the annual convention of the Council for Exceptional Children, which is the largest international organization in the field of Special Education. Held earlier this month, “Effective Supervision of Paraeducators: Why, What, and How,” focused on the issues and challenges resulting from lack of effective supervision and appropriate utilization of paraeducators in schools. Chopra and Westland shared research-based supervisory functions, interactive tools and methods for delivering paraeducator supervision content to special teachers and administrators. Participants representing 13 states attended the workshop.