Taylor presents on bilingual education

CU Denver associate professor Sherry Taylor, PhD, was an invited presenter at the Research & Evaluation Symposium at the National Association for Bilingual Education’s annual conference in March, 2015.
She presented twice at the symposium, on supporting oral language development of young emergent bilinguals and early childhood teachers’ instruction of young emergent bilinguals’ oral language development.
Taylor is faculty in the Literacy, Language and Culturally Responsive Teaching Program within the School of Education & Human Development at CU Denver. She recently concluded a grant project awarded by Colorado Department of Higher Education with funding by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), Title II-A Grant.
In December, 2014, Taylor also served as guest editor for a special issue of the Journal of Writing & Pedagogy on perspectives of teaching and learning writing. Her most recent book, “Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Teaching like our students’ lives matter,” was published in 2011.