Nurse's photo makes cover of national journal
A photo submitted by Rachel Romero, a nurse in the University of Colorado Hospital's Post-Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU), appears on the cover of the February issue of the Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nurses, a peer-reviewed, research-focused publication for nurses and other providers working in the perioperative setting. Romero entered the photo as part of a yearly contest sponsored by the publication.
"I decided to send a photo that represents the kind of work perianestheÂsia nurses do best," Romero said. She shared the $200 prize with the colÂleagues who joined her in the picture, she said, "because they helped in making the photo look authentic. I didn't expect to win, but I knew I sent a great picture."
Romero said she's been taking photos in the preÂoperative and PACU settings for the past five years. "The photos are one of the best ways to store memories and to keep the legacy of nursing pracÂtice alive," she said.