Connections begins summer publication schedule
Even if you’ll be away from your campus for any of this summer, you can stay up to date on happenings across the University of Colorado system by connecting with CU Connections.
The Connections summer schedule begins today, as we shift to biweekly publication. No new issues are scheduled to appear on the following dates (subject to change):
- June 6
- June 20
- July 4
- July 18
- Aug. 1
Weekly publication will resume with the Aug. 8 issue.
Throughout the season, the site will be updated with news should events warrant.
If you’re sending postcards from your vacation, be sure to keep us in the loop, too. We always welcome Letters to the Editor on topics of interest to current and retired CU faculty and staff. Please send submissions to And if you have a news item or story suggestion you’d like to pass along, please send it to
Deadline for submissions is noon Friday prior to the Thursday publication.