Music and Diversity Lecture: Aaron Dworkin and Afa Sadykhly Dworkin
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
11:00am – 12:00pm
Grusin Music Hall, Imig Music Building, CU Boulder
“Throwing the DICE that Fuel Inclusion: A Wager on Diversity, Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship in the Arts”
The power of diversity in the arts can transform lives. In the College of Music's third annual Distinguished Lectureship in Music, Diversity and Inclusion, social entrepreneurs and arts leaders Aaron and Afa Dworkin delve into the important role that diversity, the arts and creativity play in society. They will present strategies surrounding innovative leadership, core skill sets needed for creative careers and how to stay relevant in the evolving landscape of the arts.
More information: https://cupresents.org/event/11694/cu-music/distinguished-music-lecture/