Teaching About Accessibility in Computing and IT Courses: A Capacity-Building Institute
AccessComputing, in collaboration with the University of Colorado Boulder and the Accessing Higher Ground Conference, invites faculty to attend a free 1-day workshop on Teaching about Accessibility in Computing and IT Courses.
If you teach computer science, web or media design or development, come learn strategies for teaching your students how to create more inclusive technology, environments and interfaces for everyone.
Presenters and panelists will share how accessibility/inclusive/universal design topics can be integrated into computing/IT and other technology courses, bringing in perspectives and promising practices from the field.
COST: No charge
RSVP: Seating is limited to 30. Registration is required.
VIRTUAL OPTION: A live stream is available for those who are not able to attend onsite. Registration is also required to attend via live stream. Use the URL above to register.
OTHER SESSIONS: A mini-conference during the Accessing Higher Ground main conference will focus on topics related to the teaching of accessibility and Universal Design in university curriculum. More information.
Information on the week long Accessing Higher Ground Conference with over 100 sessions on accessible media, web and curriculum in higher education can be found here.
QUESTIONS: Contact Howard Kramer at 303-492-8672 or hkramer@colorado.edu.
More information can be found online at https://accessinghigherground.org/faculty-workshops-teaching-accessibility/.