Five upcoming trips to the moon and how CU Boulder scientists are involved

Five upcoming trips to the moon and how CU Boulder scientists are involved

The next few years will be a busy time for the CU Boulder’s “lunatics”—what astrophysicist Jack Burns calls scientists who have a passion for exploring the...
Noninvasive, Wearable Blood Pressure Device Developed at CU Denver

Noninvasive, wearable blood pressure device developed at CU Denver

With the onset of smart watches and wearable devices that track everything from your heartbeat to your blood oxygen saturation levels, CU Denver engineers are...

Federal transition update from CU Federal Relations and Counsel

CU Federal Relations is working to analyze the potential impacts of the current federal transition, recent executive actions, and their ongoing implementation...

Enrollment to launch AI persona for recruiting

The UCCS Division of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs (EMSA) is launching an Artificial Intelligence (AI) persona to aid in the recruitment of...

Why are colorectal cancer patients getting younger?

In recent years, colorectal cancer has been upending the lives of younger people at disturbing rates, becoming the second most common type of cancer in people...