"There is a bit of letdown here after the big increase in November," said Tatiana Bailey, director of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Economic Forum. "I'm not terribly surprised...
A paper from Roger Pielke Jr., director of the Sports Governance Center at CU, published Friday found significant errors in the data that the (International Association of Athletics Federations)...
The Denver Post’s Jessica Seaman moderated a panel with some of Colorado’s leading experts on Alzheimer’s disease on Thursday night at The Denver Post building in downtown Denver. Panelist...
Alex was encouraged to compile his thoughts into a book by his grandma, Karen Halverson, director of teacher education, licensure programs and field placement in the College of Education at the...
“A good reason that Colorado does pretty well is that it’s a pretty healthy place,” said Dr. Myles Cockburn, co-leader of the University of Colorado Cancer Center’s Cancer Prevention and Control...
Whether a couple get the disease at the same time or one after another is “the luck of the draw,” says Dr. Jonathan Woodcock, clinical director of the Rocky Mountain Alzheimer’s Disease Center at...
The way we view our bodies can also impact the way we experience anger. “Body image is such a central way that girls are evaluated in our society that we constantly compare ourselves to idealized...
"We find out every week about more places that are impacted, and we're looking at how to figure out how to have stop-gaps in place to address that," said Terri Fiez, CU's vice chancellor for...
"No, I’m never satisfied," Benson told DBJ just hours after the official Thursday announcement. "You always have to keep reaching further and further and further … I want the school to be the...
The map details where CU-affiliated programs and health care providers work around the state, and users can filter it by county, topic, Congressional district, and state house and senate districts...
"I'm delighted that CU Boulder has been recognized this year by College Consensus as one of the top 25 LGBTQ-inclusive universities in the nation," Scarlet Bowen, director of education at the CU...
Students from the University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy helped give free flu shots at the National Western Stock Show Saturday. The shots came just as the number of diagnosed cases of...
Two University of Colorado Denver grad students have set their sights on the intersection of Leetsdale Drive and South Monaco. They want to make that intersection safer for high school students...
"We recognize there are many different ways to approach the problem of opioid use disorder, this focuses on treatment and how to increase the capacity in rural practices and communities to be able...
To make 2019 your best year yet, one University of Colorado professor offers a contradictory piece of advice: Stop striving to be happy. June Gruber, an assistant professor in the Department of...
In the midst of the search for President Bruce Benson's replacement, the University of Colorado's Board of Regents will swear in two new regents. In early January, they will replace two regents...
Fruit flies and the worms, called C. elegans, were ideal subjects — not only for ethical reasons, but also because the scientists have developed an “unparalleled ability” to manipulate their DNA...
New research from Jason Drysdale, director of instructional design and program development at the University of Colorado Denver, examines three models for situating instructional design within an...
University of Colorado faculty leaders are continuing to provide input on student evaluations of instructors, which they say have the potential for bias, while emphasizing that the evaluations...
After confronting the fear enough times in your head, your mind may stop reacting to it and you could find there's not much fear left at all, according to a new study from researchers at...
“We are expecting to start seeing more cases of the flu in the coming weeks as people are around more people than usual for holiday shopping, gatherings and travel,” according to Dr. Jean Kutner,...
Just over a week after the arrival of the InSight lander on the surface of Mars, the University of Colorado is hosting an evening event focused on exploration of the red planet. The Tuesday night...