Tenth Annual Fall Convocation: Awards and Presentations Celebrating Faculty Achievements
10:00-10:50 a.m.
“A New College for a New Century: The College of Media, Communication, and Information”
A panel organized by Lori Bergen, Founding Dean, CMCI.
In forming its first new college in over fifty years, the University of Colorado recognized and responded to the technology revolution now under way, a revolution that is transforming the way we communicate, interact with one another, acquire and use information, and learn. The new College of Media, Communication, and Information brings together artists, scholars, and critics to help students and the wider community better understand and take advantage of the breathtaking changes that digital technology brings. A panel of faculty from the new college will explore the exciting possibilities that lie ahead.
11:00-11:50 a.m.
“Explore Mars or Explore the Earth? CU Does Both!”
A panel organized by Jason Neff, CU Faculty Director, Future Earth; and Waleed Abdalati, Director, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences and Co-Chair, Steering Committee, CU’s Grand Challenge on Earth and Space.
We often think of Earth vs. space as an either/or question: explore space or invest in the Earth. CU, with unique strengths in both space science (think of the MAVEN mission orbiting Mars) and interdisciplinary work on the environment (remember that a group of our scientists shared in a Nobel Prize for work on climate), is positioned perfectly to show how we must do both and how these are mutually reinforcing efforts. The Chancellor has posed a Grand Challenge to the university to develop and to realize the social and scientific benefits of space-based technologies. At the same time, the International Council for Science has selected Colorado, led by CU and CSU, as a hub for Future Earth, an ambitious 10-year research initiative to address global environmental change solutions and actions. Faculty members involved in these initiatives will discuss the campus’s work in these areas and the opportunities for CU undergraduates to engage in cutting-edge space and environmental science activities.
1:30-2:30 p.m.
- Welcome by Chancellor Philip DiStefano
- Introduction of Faculty Members Receiving Tenure and Promotion, by Provost Russell Moore
- Presentation of Provost’s Faculty Achievement Awards
- Presentation of Student Affairs Faculty Award
- Reception immediately following awards ceremony