The Prison Story Project: On the Row and post-performance discussion

Thursday, October 19, 2017
5:30pm – 6:30pm
Glenn Miller Ballroom, UMC, CU Boulder

THE PRISON STORY PROJECT: ON THE ROW is a production of the Northwest Arkansas Prison Story Project, which since 2011 has been sending teams of writers into prisons, leading writing workshops with the inmates, and then developing readers’ theatre scripts that are performed by professional actors both for the inmates who write the material and for public audiences.

ON THE ROW, the 70-minute script generated by the initiative, was performed on Death Row for the writers and subsequently presented to large, enthusiastic public audiences in the weeks and months following the initial performance.

This event is sponsored by The Brown Chair of English Literacy at the University of Arkansas and by the CU Boulder Office for Outreach and Engagement:  http://colorado.edu/outreach/ooe.