Leading with Emotional Intelligence | Career Edge Webinar
Free, presented by the CU Denver Business School Alumni Network (BSAN)
Hiring managers don't want candidates without emotional intelligence. Join us online for this free webinar and start building the leadership skills of the future.
Emotional intelligence is consistently ranked one of the top skills that employees will need to thrive in the workplace of the future. Workers with high EQ are better able to work in teams, adjust to change and be flexible. No matter how many degrees or other on-paper qualifications a person has, without certain emotional qualities, they are unlikely to succeed.
Join us to learn:
- Why a good leader needs to have emotional intelligence
- Why emotional intelligence is important in the modern workplace
- How to begin building your EQ competencies immediately
Presented by subject matter expert Lauren Harris and moderated by Business School alum Jonathan Bach.
Can't make it? Register anyway and we'll send you the recording.