First Friday breakfast: Anchor Institutions and Community Wealth Building
In the economic development context, “Eds and Meds” are also referred to as “anchor institutions.” The term “anchors” suggests that these institutions are weighty and important, and will remain in Denver for the very long-term — unlike some corporations and businesses, whose physical location might be more fluid.
Universities and hospitals are huge employers and also purchase a great deal of goods and services. There is a growing national movement to have these anchor institutions play a larger role in their communities, especially communities that have faced disadvantages, and to more intentionally target their resources in local communities. The Denver Foundation is sponsoring a local network of anchor institutions who can learn from each other, and support developing and learning from best practices.
Please join us for a panel discussion of these emerging trends and how some anchor institutions in Denver are planning to move forward.
- Dorothy Horrell, Chancellor, University of Colorado Denver
- Patrick Horvath, Senior VP for Economic Opportunity, Denver Foundation
- Dace West, Executive Director, Mile High Connects
- Robert McGranaghan, MPH, Director, Community-Campus Partnership, CU Anschutz Medical Campus
- Representative, Regis University
Moderator: Danielle Varda, Associate Professor, School of Public Affairs and evaluator of Baltimore’s anchor project for the Annie E. Casey Foundation.
Admission: Free, but space is limited! Breakfast will be served.
To register: