CU Scoop: CU Boulder Campus Architecture Walking Tour
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
5:30pm – 8:00pm
Old Main, CU Boulder
Postponed from an earlier date due to inclement weather.
The CU Advocates program in the Office of the President in association with the Boulder and Denver Forever Buffs Alumni Chapters are partnering to host a CU Scoop on Aug. 13, when we'll showcase CU Boulder's architectural style with a guided walking tour featuring campus architect Bill Haverly. The tour will be followed by a reception with Bill in the Heritage Center inside the iconic Old Main building.
More information and registration: http://www.cvent.com/events/cu-scoop-cu-boulder-campus-architecture-guided-walking-tour-and-reception/event-summary-1cc45d8f995347ff862999ea5429d472.aspx