A Century of Views of Colorado: 1820-1920

Thursday, March 8, 2018
5:30pm – 7:00pm
Benson Earth Sciences, CU Boulder

Immerse yourself in the unique story of Colorado as told via the maps and drawings of early settlers!

The Friends of the CU Boulder Libraries invite you to their Spring Treasures event, A Century of Views of Colorado: 1820-1920, March 8, 5:30 p.m. in Benson Earth Sciences, with an accompanying exhibit in the Map Library.  While rarely seen today, these maps offer a window into the development of our state from its origins through the early 20th century.

You may recognize our guest presenter, Christopher W. Lane, from his regular appearances as a print and map appraiser for public television’s Antiques Roadshow. Lane is a nationally-known historian of Western cartography and owner of The Philadelphia Print Shop West in Denver, Colorado. He is also a member of the Rocky Mountain Map Society, which collaborates often with the Earth Sciences & Map Library. Lane will be discussing some of the most unusual maps in the Map Library’s collection, including the rare “Map of the Gold Regions in the Vicinity of Central City.”

The exhibit will be available during regular library hours from mid-February through May 2018. Taking time to become acquainted with these rare artifacts prior to the event will make Lane’s talk all the more engaging.

A reception will precede the presentation, which will begin with an introduction by CU Boulder’s Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Russell Moore. The event is free and open to the public.

For more information, please contact Susie Siders at susie.siders@colorado.edu or 303.492.9201.

More information: https://www.colorado.edu/libraries/2018/02/08/century-views-colorado-1820-1920