Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The Market for Victimhood
Monday, January 27, 2020
7:00pm – 8:30pm
Math 100, CU Boulder
Join the CU Boulder Benson Center for the Study of Western Civilization for an evening conversation with renowned political leader, national security expert, human rights advocate, New York Times best-selling author and expert on Islam, Ayaan Hirsi Ali. “It has been said that education opens the mind, while indoctrination closes it. A good education permits one to think critically, and to consider multiple viewpoints." Ayaan Hirsi Ali joins those who have been sounding the alarm on the closing of the American mind. Sponsored by The Abby and Douglas Brown Family Foundation.
Please register for this event via Eventbrite.
More information: https://www.colorado.edu/center/benson/2019/12/16/ayaan-hirsi-ali-market-victimhood