Quantum and health event explores transformative potential of new research collaborations

Quantum and health event explores transformative potential of new research collaborations

CU Boulder’s CUbit Quantum Initiative and AB Nexus Initiative recently hosted scientists, engineers and healthcare professionals discussing the emerging...
Ranked No. 14 among U.S. universities by National Academy of Inventors, CU leads in translating innovation into impact

Ranked No. 14 among U.S. universities by National Academy of Inventors, CU leads in translating innovation into impact

The National Academy of Inventors (NAI) has ranked the CU system 14th among the “Top 100” institutions nationwide for recent patent activity. That prominent...

State leaders announce details of bipartisan legislation to accelerate Colorado’s thriving quantum ecosystem, build on CU Boulder’s quantum legacy

Gov. Jared Polis unveiled plans to invest $74 million in Colorado’s quantum ecosystem. The new refundable tax credit program aims to maximize the state’s...

Semiconductor forum highlights CU Boulder’s leadership in advancing technology and building workforce

CU Boulder hosted a first-of-its-kind Colorado Semiconductor Workforce and Innovation Forum last week in partnership with the Colorado Office of Economic...