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Karen Brown, financial assistant in the College of Education at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, recently was promoted to assistant dean for finance and administration at the College of Education. The change was announced by Peg Bacon, provost. Brown will report to David Fennel, interim dean of the College of Education.

... Daphne Greenwood, professor of economics at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs co-wrote "Local Economic Development in the 21st Century: Quality of Life and Sustainability" with Richard P.F. Holt of Southern Oregon University. The book, recently published by M.E. Sharpe, provides a comprehensive look at local economic development and public policy and draws extensively on case studies at state and local levels. The authors advocate for a new approach to economic development that incorporates quality of life and sustainability.

... Nikki McCaslin of the University of Colorado Denver has authored the book "Finding Our Place: 100 Memorable Adoptees, Fostered Persons and Orphanage Alumni" published by Greenwood Press. McCaslin is the Literature/Modern Languages bibliographer at the Auraria Library and supplies research and instructional assistance in the humanities. An adoptee and parent of two adopted children herself, McCaslin is active in adoption and orphanage issues, serving as a board member for Adoptees in Search, Colorado's Triad Connection.

... Michael Jenson, associate professor of architecture at the University of Colorado Denver, has been awarded first place in the 2009-10 European Association of Architectural Educators (EAAE) Prize competition sponsored by Montana. The prize will be awarded at the EAAE Meeting of Heads of Schools of Architecture on Sept. 6 the Mediterranean Architectural Centre in Hania, Crete, Greece. There also is a publication planned for the winning papers as well as those receiving honorable mention. The prize aims to stimulate original writing on the subject of architectural education in order to improve the quality of architectural teaching in Europe. Jenson's winning essay is titled, "Sustainability: Ethics or Technology?"

... Kevin J. Krizek, associate professor of planning and design at the University of Colorado Denver, director of the Active Communities / Transportation (ACT) Research Group and director of the Ph.D. program in design and planning, was invited to guest edit a special issue of Transportation, the pre-eminent scholarly journal addressing transportation planning-related issues. The special issue focuses on advancements in location choice models and Krizek (along with his international collaborator, Harry Timmermans) co-edited the articles appearing in the volume. Their overview piece, introducing the issue and its contents, is available here.